Khadija Amiri

Software Developer, Designer

$30.00 / hr Afghanistan 1 years of experience Female
MySQL Photoshop Graphic Design Computer skills Management skills CSS HTML Figma Adobe XD Power BI

Work Experiences

Data Manager

Agha Khan Agency for Habitat(AKAH) Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
December 2020 February 2021
Contract: Internship
In these 3 month internship we worked and managed data that received from different departments using tools like Microsoft Excel, prepared and presented reports using Microsoft Power BI and we worked on a Hospital Management Information System.

Software Developer

Kabul, Afghanistan
November 2022 January 2023
Contract: Internship


Kabul University

Bachelor Computer Science
June 2017 to December 2021


Women Empowering

April 2022 to June 2022