Sameer Ullah Ferdevs

Graphic Designer

$25.00 / hr Afghanistan 5 years of experience Male
Photoshop Illustrator Graphic Design Communication Computer skills Problem-solving Sketch
I have completed my bachelor's degree, specializing in Graphic Design at Kabul University Faculty of Fine Arts. I am self-motivated, have analytical skills, and have a keen interest in media, press, management, and technology. To gain commendable experience in a vibrant organization where a flexible environment allows me to utilize my skills and efforts.

Work Experiences

Graphic Designer

Turkish Maarif Foundation
Kabul, Afghanistan
September 2020 Present
Contract: Full Time

Graphic Designer

Daira Sabz Environmental Consultancy
Kabul, Afghanistan
July 2020 September 2020
Contract: Internship


Kabul University

Bachelor Graphic Design
August 2017 to August 2021
Grade: 3.8